вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

2nd Moscow International Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to participate in II Moscow International Congress of traumatologists and orthopedists “The Road Traffic Accidents injuries and their Sequels: pitfalls, mistakes and complications in treatment”. The event will be held under the aegis of the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery and Pirogov State Medical University.
Date of the Congress: March 24 and 25, 2011.
Venue: Russian Academy of State Service under President of Russian Federation (Moscow, Prospect Vernadskogo, 84).
The purpose of the event: to share accumulated experience in providing first aid to M.V.A. victims and in further treatment of varying severity injures.

Prominent Russian and foreign experts will participate in the Congress: Agadzhanyan V.V. (Leninsk- Kuznetskiy), Bagnenko S. F. (St- Petersburg), Kotelnikov G.P. (Samara), Mironov S.P. (Мoscow), Samokhvalov I.M. (St- Petersburg), Skoroglyadov А. V. (Мoscow), Мoshe Sali (Israel), Pape H. K. (Germany), Rommens P. (Germany), Fingerhut Abe (France) and others – more than 1500 practicing physicians around the world. Experts will discuss emergency measures for open injuries, tactics for stabilizing fractures and organizational issues to help patients with severe trauma; the methods and timing of wounds closure, reconstructive surgery and other topical issues of the field.
We sincerely hope that your participation will contribute to understanding and finding solutions to the challenges that modern medicine is facing. You can publish your thesis free of payment when registering at the official website of the Congress. All proceedings published prior January 1, 2011 will be considered.


Directorate of the Congress


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